Monday, May 17, 2010

Blog Advertising with Adgitize

I had this blog for a year already but not much going on here. I tried to check the PR but still says 0. I guess it is right. It must be!

I am quite happy with the traffic I am receiving for Vivapinay from Adgitize and too bad it will end in 2 days. So instead of renewing Vivapinay, I advertised this blog - The Recycling Loop.

Adgitize your web site.

Why Advertise at Adgitize?
1. Improve your blog traffic
2. Earn from your clicks
3. Earn from ad views
4. Earn from referrals

Look no more! Adgitize seems to be the most efficient and effective advertising medium now.

So see you guys in the Adgitize network. Please click me. :)


Eric : BlogDeManila : Philippine Blog said...

'was not aware that you are "vivapinay" too... ;)

hoshi said...

you do have PR-0 but your alexa's stat is very high.

that means your site is performing well. as far as i know, PR is more in linking side.

i also join in adgitize now. hehehe and you are correct. they are cool!


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