Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Leading the Pack: What Makes a Great Business Manager

Employers, sorry to break it to you, but you are often one of the main reasons why employees either stay leave their position. Part of your job is to keep your staff happy and productive, and while at times this can be challenging or take up a part of your day, the alternative is having to pay $200 a day for a job advertisement. A good manager doesn’t just plan, instruct, organise and lead; they have the ability to inspire, motivate and communicate with purpose and sincerity. It’s one of the toughest jobs out there as you are dealing with endless expectations and egos, but it is so rewarding when you receive positive feedback and staff who go above and beyond because they believe in the company’s vision as much as you do. In this modern world, there are skills and qualities you have to adapt to ensure this happens. Here is just a few.

Supports New Ideas

Employees that feel that their opinions and ideas can’t be heard often feel that they are not an integral part of the business. If one of your staff members comes to you with an idea to a problem that the company is facing and provides a solution, it means that they care about the future of their job and the direction of the company. It’s not only in your best interest to listen, but their new idea could be a fresh take on an old practice – one your company needs to have that competitive edge. By supporting their vision, you are lighting a motivational flame and providing a safe place where they feel as if they matter, regardless of whether it works out in the end.

Always willing to delegate

We all have all had that kind of manager, you know that one that just can’t let go of their baby (project) and if they do, spend the whole time micro-managing the situation. A great manager has obviously hired their staff for a reason and should be able to place trust in them to complete a project. It also means you are less bogged down with extra work, and you can focus more on your managerial duties.

Gives Credit Where Credit is Due

A great manager recognises when their team is working effectively and at a high standard. Even if they are appointed set tasks for the month, there is likely to be curveballs in the form of unexpected workloads thrown into the mix. If you’re team comes out at the end of the month unscathed, it pays to reward your staff with compliments or incentives.

Doesn’t Make Rash Decisions

If you are a leader, it’s safe to say that you got to where you are now through hard work and years of experience. You aren’t going to throw that knowledge out the door when it comes to making big decisions. A great manager doesn’t rely on that one size fits all mentality, they resort to past mistakes, failures and positive experience to make an informed decision.

Supports training and learning

Times are always changing, and if you intend on being a good leader, you need to stay on top of what’s happening in your industry. If you feel as those your employee’s skills aren’t up to industry standard, ensure that they have every opportunity possible to continuously learn and grow. This may be through allowing your staff to complete training programs like Axcelerate Australia, upgrading your technology systems, or attending industry conferences. This will motivate them and be beneficial to the company moving forward.
What makes your manager a great manager – or a bad one? Tell us in the comments below.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The 10 Business Commandments

While I was reading an old business magazines, I came across an article about the 10 Business Commandments that I want to share with you here:

  1. Be a business enthusiast
If you’re going to make a living out of something, then you’d better immerse yourself in it. Keep reading newspapers, magazines and websites that will keep you informed. Brush up on business basics. Whatever you do, don’t stop learning.

  1. Have  a life
Make sure you don’t work too hard. Leading a full life keeps you from experiencing burnout and allows you to regain your strength and work even better.

  1. Take aim
Some companies try to be too many things to too many people in the game. Sure, youre aiming to cut across all markets. But by doing so, you won’t be able to excel in any of those markets and might just lose out in the end. Instead, define your market. Gain your foothold in a single field, develop a loyal following, and then expand your services.

  1. Have a plan
Gut feelings are not something to be ignored. But even if you’re about to go against all odds, its always best to think things through. That way, when something doesn’t go your way or you have to defend your idea to others, you’ll be confident that you have all bases covered.

  1. Leave your comfort zone
Don’t ever stick with the same method just because it’s the one you always use. If someone approaches you with a compelling argument on why an existing method should be changed, go ahead and give it a chance. Just be sure that you make a wise decision. And remember, its always best to get a second or even third opinion.

  1. Have a regular check-ups
It’s so easy to get caught up in work that one day you might just wake up and realize that you haven’t really accomplished anything. Avoid this scenario by having regular meetings with your staff. Review accomplishments, bring up any threats, get updates on the progress of others and evaluate how your business is progressing as a whole.

  1. Give credit where credit is due
While your associates and customers help fund your business, your employees are the people who keep it running. They’re a crucial part in your success, so make sure you let them know how much they’re appreciated.

  1. Build relationships with Customers and Others
Not just with customers. Expanding your social connections and interacting with different people is a great way to generate more contacts, ideas, opportunities, and referrals.

  1. Better to Work Smart
There’s a big difference between working hard and working smart. Working hard can keep you in office way past 6 p.m and leave too exhausted to do anything else. Working smart is using your time wisely and making sure that all your actions are steps towards your ultimate goal.

  1. Be passionate
Your customers can tell whether or not a business is genuine, so can your employees, investors, and partners. If you’re not enthusiastic about making your business succeed, then don’t expect anyone else to be.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Green and Clean Construction Sites

When working in construction, how often do you consider the materials being used and, more importantly, those being left behind?

It isn't a sector that most people contemplate when they think about being green and environmentally friendly yet, just like any other industry, they should play their part in going green.

Doing so can help the world, improve your business’ public image or simply boost morale. To this end, here are a few effective ways to improve your construction operations and go green.


In most cases, the majority of materials can be recycled. Wood, metal and plastic are common examples.

As the world increasingly looks for sustainability, the construction sector is one area that should be leading the way. It is one thing to have a sustainable building but the process itself should be equally beneficial.

Luckily, there are plenty of disposal options for construction sites to use and it’s important to remember that government rulings dictate that all construction projects In England with a valued of over £300,000 must have a site waste management plan (SWMP) in place.

This should outline what waste your site will produce, how it will be disposed of, who will be responsible for the disposal process and the details of site where your waste will be sent.

Construction waste disposal provided by Bywaters is just one example a carrier who will handle your waste disposal for you and, if used, would be included within relevant SWMPs.


As stated, most materials can easily be recycled but that is still no excuse to not be proactive in your initial choice. Some, such as concrete, are not known for being environmentally friendly being both difficult to make and reuse.

An alternative choice would prove beneficial in a number of areas and many modern buildings now use metals and glass far more widely in the designs. Aside from creating the modern look seen in sleek city or urban residences, this approach uses materials that can (and may have already been) recycled.

As this area becomes more important, being able to offer such environmental benefits will help your company appeal to those who hold this as a high priority. Many people are concerned about their carbon footprint and don't want to be the owner of an impacting build.

What can't be recycled?

There will always be certain areas of construction where recycling isn't as easy, such as when dealing with hazardous waste. Yet even here there is always something that can be done.

Specific companies and services deal with this waste safely and find other uses for it where possible. An environmental service, such as Bywaters, can advise you on the safest way to get rid of these sorts of materials so that you’re business is kept as green as possible.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cheap water storage solutions for your business

So you need to find a way to store water at your work site? You’ve already looked into permanent tanks, but they don’t suit your needs, are too expensive, or you can’t leave a permanent tank behind when the job is over. Why not consider a cheap and portable alternative below?

Onion Tanks

Onion tanks (also known as collar tanks) are portable self-supporting tanks made from collapsible fabric. These collapsible tanks are open topped with a foam-filled ring at the top, creating a floating collar. As the tank is filled with water, the collar floats while keeping the water securely inside, while allowing easy access. The top covers are completely removable, so when you need water fast, no time or water is wasted. 

Using an onion tank affords many benefits, including rapid set-up time, compact and easily transportable to remote locations. Onion tanks are made from a variety of low maintenance, easy to clean materials, and come with a ground sheet/carry bag to ensure that your tank is packaged and stored safely every time.

The most common uses of onion tanks include storage of drinking water, harvesting rainwater, and storage of water for fire-fighting. Other areas you could use onion tanks in your business include storing chemicals, contaminated waste and fuel.

Pillow Tanks

Pillow tanks (also known as bladders or bladder tanks) are versatile collapsible tanks ideal for temporary water storage. These tanks are often used where a significant volume of liquid is required to be stored onsite, but permanent storage would be either inefficient or overly expensive. One key benefit is that these tanks can be deployed and redeployed quickly, reducing the possibility of schedule issues or keeping personnel on extended standby. 

The applications of pillow tanks are far-ranging, including water storage for businesses, disaster relief, military use, and for both water and chemical storage in construction and mining sectors. These sturdy tanks can hold water, fuels, a variety of chemicals, oils, gases, various liquids, effluent and slurries. For business use, pillow tanks can store up to 1,000,000 litres per tank, but are also available in smaller volumes for use in extended 4WD travel, and remote liquid storage. When empty, pillow tanks are light and take up very little space, making it a good choice when storage availability is limited.

Constructed from reinforced, heavy-duty PVC or Polyurethane Polymer, pillow tanks are both chemical and ultraviolet light resistant, algae resistant, and tough against abrasions. Unlike onion tanks, pillow tanks have a range of accessories available for different uses. These are key reasons that pillow tanks are NATO certified and currently in use by the Australian Defence Force. For the specific needs of your business, tanks can also be customised to the job. Look into companies such as Fabric Solutions to see what tanks would best suit your business.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Financial Freedom and Networking

A lot of people struggle to find a regular day job to earn enough money to sustain their families. You can see a guys giving out “fast cash schemes” and “work at home” fliers printed from a wholesale flyer printing company encouraging passing citizens to try and have a look at what social networking can offer you. 

If you are interested in making money online, you might want to try network marking through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. There are now a multitude of networkers working around the globe and taking advantage of advertising and marketing through different online platforms. You can also do the same and work your way from a struggling office worker to someone enjoying financial freedom through networking.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Making your business greener

The majority of businesses are making the conscious effort to go green as the new agenda continues to overflow with stories about carbon emissions and global warming. It is more than just saving the environment that is on the mind of a business though. Firstly, going greener normally means streamlining your organisational methods, which not only boosts the environment and productivity, but will more than likely save money over the longer period. Better still, consumers and other businesses are more likely to want to align with an organisation that has greener credentials and has taken steps to minimise their environmental impact. Here are some of things a business can do to improve its eco-friendliness:

Educate and involve staff

A business is nothing without its employees, so it is important to adjust their potentially wasteful behaviour. The main one being that many employees will drive separate cars to work even though they are coming from the same direction as many other colleagues. Instead of bringing their own vehicles you can encourage them to car share on the way to and from work to cut down on their carbon emissions and fuel consumption. By involving staff in being greener you can make them feel like a bigger part of the business and more motivated.

Appliances and energy consumption

The amount of energy that appliances and machinery use up on a daily basis is astonishing. It is important to understand your appliances and see how they perform to make sure you don’t have it on a setting that uses more power than necessary for the jobs you are doing on it. Keeping them maintained and efficient is another way to make a subtle difference to your levels of energy consumption. Also, always make sure that appliances, machinery and lights are all turned off when the factory or office is closed as otherwise you are throwing money and your green ambitions out of the window.

Paper usage and recycling

Paper usage is a big issue when it comes to life in the standard office. Unnecessary printing of emails, reports and letters is causing mass deforestation and causing environmental issues. One good way to save wasting paper is to try and do many more things electronically, like invoicing and paying bills. Christmas holiday eCards are a great way to stop the excessive mail out of festive greetings that squanders countless amounts of paper, which increases the deforestation issues. Reusing paper is also a simple way that can cut your paper wastage quickly as can ensuring that your staff recycle everything possible to boost your eco-friendly nature.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Checking aTrading Business a Legit

If business is what you look for, there are plenty of choices to select for. However; if earning is what your goal, make sure that you have knowledge and idea on what business you are going to invest for.

These days, if business is what you need, there are wide selections available. May it be online or offline. But of course, before deciding which one to get is really important to know first. This is to avoid of bringing all your efforts into nothing. Earning in instant may be impossible but with the help of technology, things are easier and possible to manage and handle in instant. Trading business is one of a good example. In fact, it is one of the businesses that are talked about online and even offline.

There are different kinds of trading businesses like forex, CFDs, and such. Hence, when you come up with a decision of going in a trading business, you have the choices. But then; in investing, it is really essential to have a background check with the company you are planning to deal with. Apart from the benefits and other advantages those companies offer to interested individuals, we can also avoid those deceitful ones and even those pretending to be the legit company instead. But eventually, with the help of technology, knowing if that particular company is legit or not can be verified in instant through checking the company’s website and its reputation online. And one of the good examples is Varengold for instance with a website of

When it comes to money matters, expect that there are advantage takers even in business industry especially when it comes to trading industry. After all, there’s nothing wrong in being vigilant in terms of investing to business. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blauer - Service Uniforms, Accessories for Men And Women

Blauer - Service Uniforms, Accessories  for Men And Women

There is only one name to trust when it comes to uniforms for service men and women here on the front line in the United States. That name is Blauer. Blauer has been around creating quality uniforms for decades, with the comfort and durability that speaks for itself. Blauer uniforms are guaranteed to give the wearer a sense of security in their uniform apparel with fit and comfort.

Working in the filed of service as a fireman, police officer, EMS representative, Agent any other kind of servicemen for people and protecting the safety of the America citizen can be one of the most dangerous and rewarding jobs that there is. They are the real fabric that holds America together at the seams.

When you get an EMS uniform from, you know that you are getting the best, high quality uniform that is on the market today. Not only are Blauer uniforms top of the line in terms of the stitching and comfort-ability, they are also fashionable and stylish up to date uniforms. The job of an EMS worker consist of long hours and all types of unpredictable situations where the least of their worries should be what they are wearing.

Blauer specializes in more than just uniforms, they have a line of boots, safety vests, inner wear ( mid and base layers), as well as shirts and accessories. The line of accessories include; Hats, trooper caps, knives, socks, and rain boots. Bauer also makes coats for all weather, including waterproof coats and jackets. 

Blauer has even more to offer if you check more out here for fireman clothing. The uniforms are good for year round use, and the online store offers outlet clothing and accessories as well for their customers. Blauer also has a line of chembio clothes for the most dangerous jobs and situations should they arise, Blauer has thought of everything for the service men and women to wear so that they wont have to.

With Blauer, you can be dressed from head to toe in the most affordable yet, comfortable and stylish clothes while you are on the job, serving to protect the citizens of the United States.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Save on Long-Distanced and International Calls

The communication line in small to medium-sized businesses is one integral part that should not be ignored. It is a medium used by business personnel or owners to discuss important matters with investors, dealers or clients. However, the expenses incurred from phone bills affects the company’s annual budget. So, how can they save on their finances?

Efficient Alternative: VoIP System

The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is gaining popularity among business owners. It is an efficient alternative to traditional phones since the call rates are much lower than the former equipment. However, there is the need for high-speed internet connection to enable you to make a call— either long-distanced or international call with the use of computers, laptops or smartphones,

Indeed the VoIP system can help cut down the expenditures of businesses. Consequently, it can be allotted to other projects that are directed to business success.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Benefits of Digital Signage

Digital signage screens are now becoming popular to companies and businesses. It helps them deliver pertinent information to their audiences or customers. Moreover, digital sign solutions pose the following benefits to the business owners:
  •        Rich media is delivered that may include flash media & presentations, variety of video formats, power point presentations and many more.
  •      Control over ad campaigns
  •      Allows multiple administrators and advertisers to log in.
  •       Reach targeted audience
  •       Allows you to manage remotely digital content distribution

Undoubtedly, this software helped businesses to connect with the audience. In the long run, it can be the bridge that will bring success to many companies.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pack Your Backpack, Prepare for Emergency or School

Pack Your Backpack, Prepare for Emergency or School

Backpacks are perfect for camping trips or packing a doomsday supply. The maxpedition military packs have many different compartments so packing can be organized and clean. One compartment can hold your food supplies, one can hold medical supplies, and one can hold clothing. These backpacks can hold anything you need to take for comfort on any camping trip. Some people purchase these backpacks to prepare for a doomsday scenario. Doomsday believers are often ready for any emergency by loading up a pack with everything they may need to survive for three days off grid. Living off grid can be difficult without the necessities to survive.

When packing your backpack for a doomsday scenario or emergency, make sure to include three days of food and water. The food needs to be something that can be eaten without cooking. There are small stoves and cooking utensils that can be placed in the packs just in case one needs to cook their food. Flashlights, batteries, walkie-talkies, knives, band-aids, and tents are good things to include in your packing. With a backpack full of these items, anyone can survive things such as power outages, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or attacks of zombies.

Military backpacks are often used for holding sleeping bags, extra socks, radios, and other supplies for a weekend of military training or wartime. These backpacks are very durable and last for many years. These backpacks are not just for the military personnel to use. Some parents purchase these durable backpacks for their children to carry their large loads of books and supplies for school. Things such as coats and gloves can be easily stored in one of the many different compartments of the packs.

Backpacks come in different sizes and colors to meet the desire of any individual. The solid colors can be perfect for individuals that are using these packs to carry there items onboard airplanes and buses. A carry on this large can house many items and will save the passenger money when it comes to checking their luggage at the airport. The adjustable straps allow the individual to toss the pack on their back and continue to have their hands free for keeping up with other items. Purchasing a backpack is a great idea for travel as well as preparing for emergency situations that may arise during your lifetime. The perfect pack can be purchased online. Pack your back with the perfect backpack.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



As an avid coin collector myself, I have to share with you one of the best places to shop on-line for coins. I found this site called American Coin Treasures. You have to check it out for yourself! Go visit, view their unique collection of commemorative and bicentennial coins and awesome gift ideas! These historical coins are a great addition to any collection. also carries keychains for women these are a great way for her to show off the more elegant side. Don't take my word for it, click here to view their great Selection! Your sure to strike her interest, with these keychains. I had to get myself one! Where else can you find a Beautiful, STERLING SILVER MERCURY DIME COIN HEART KEYCHAIN? I must say it what a great bargain for such an awesome looking keychain! And it made my keys look great! I show it off to all my friends.

They even have a Jewelry section. You are sure to find that perfect something for yourself or any other jewelry lover you know.

The Gold & Silver category has a huge selection of coins graded by AACGS. Weather you're just adding to your collection, or need a specific mint to complete one of your sets, be sure to check out TODAY!!

And for the American History lover in all of us, make sure to check out the United States category. They got everything from Armed Forces to Commemorative and Historical Coins.

If Foreign money is your thing, be sure to check out the Foreign category. And while you're there, make sure to check out their New Arrivals and Specialty Items. For all your coin, gold and silver needs, be sure to check out American Coin Treasures Today!!

When you purchase items on-line, they come with a one year manufacture's warranty. This includes parts and labor! Buy coin set now by viewing here and begin enjoying your new addition soon!

For all your coin & currency needs along with Gold & Silver, is your one stop shop for Gorgeous, Historical Gifts that can end up cherished Family Heirlooms.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Quick & Easy Coffee

When you want a cup of coffee you want it hot and you want it fast; if you make it at home that used to mean it had to be instant coffee or hopping in the car to grab a cup at a convenience store or coffee shop. That gets costly fast. Fortunately those days are over because with my K-Cup on demand reusable coffee filter brewing system you can enjoy a cup of coffee that tastes great, you can make it in under a minute and it costs just pennies per cup.

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With an on demand or single serve coffee maker it’s easy to make all kinds of coffee. Pick up some Tassimo coffee discs or whatever coffee inserts your machine requires, press a button and go. Most on demand brewing systems work about the same way – they have a reservoir for water and they require an electrical outlet. You place a coffee insert in the machine, position your cup, glass, mug or travel mug in place, press a button and watch as piping hot and flavorful coffee is issued in under a minute.
The coffee is always fresh since each coffee insert is sealed until the moment of brewing; it tastes great since the coffee and water ratio is pre-set and there is no mess because you don’t have to scoop and measure any coffee or fool around with a flimsy coffee filter. Waste is eliminated too – never again will you need to toss a pot of leftover coffee nor will you be forced to endure scorched or bitter coffee that has been left on the warmer too long. 
Variety is a given since each cup of coffee is individually brewed – pick up a sampler pack and enjoy all sorts of interesting roasts, blends and flavored coffees.
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