Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Leading the Pack: What Makes a Great Business Manager

Employers, sorry to break it to you, but you are often one of the main reasons why employees either stay leave their position. Part of your job is to keep your staff happy and productive, and while at times this can be challenging or take up a part of your day, the alternative is having to pay $200 a day for a job advertisement. A good manager doesn’t just plan, instruct, organise and lead; they have the ability to inspire, motivate and communicate with purpose and sincerity. It’s one of the toughest jobs out there as you are dealing with endless expectations and egos, but it is so rewarding when you receive positive feedback and staff who go above and beyond because they believe in the company’s vision as much as you do. In this modern world, there are skills and qualities you have to adapt to ensure this happens. Here is just a few.

Supports New Ideas

Employees that feel that their opinions and ideas can’t be heard often feel that they are not an integral part of the business. If one of your staff members comes to you with an idea to a problem that the company is facing and provides a solution, it means that they care about the future of their job and the direction of the company. It’s not only in your best interest to listen, but their new idea could be a fresh take on an old practice – one your company needs to have that competitive edge. By supporting their vision, you are lighting a motivational flame and providing a safe place where they feel as if they matter, regardless of whether it works out in the end.

Always willing to delegate

We all have all had that kind of manager, you know that one that just can’t let go of their baby (project) and if they do, spend the whole time micro-managing the situation. A great manager has obviously hired their staff for a reason and should be able to place trust in them to complete a project. It also means you are less bogged down with extra work, and you can focus more on your managerial duties.

Gives Credit Where Credit is Due

A great manager recognises when their team is working effectively and at a high standard. Even if they are appointed set tasks for the month, there is likely to be curveballs in the form of unexpected workloads thrown into the mix. If you’re team comes out at the end of the month unscathed, it pays to reward your staff with compliments or incentives.

Doesn’t Make Rash Decisions

If you are a leader, it’s safe to say that you got to where you are now through hard work and years of experience. You aren’t going to throw that knowledge out the door when it comes to making big decisions. A great manager doesn’t rely on that one size fits all mentality, they resort to past mistakes, failures and positive experience to make an informed decision.

Supports training and learning

Times are always changing, and if you intend on being a good leader, you need to stay on top of what’s happening in your industry. If you feel as those your employee’s skills aren’t up to industry standard, ensure that they have every opportunity possible to continuously learn and grow. This may be through allowing your staff to complete training programs like Axcelerate Australia, upgrading your technology systems, or attending industry conferences. This will motivate them and be beneficial to the company moving forward.
What makes your manager a great manager – or a bad one? Tell us in the comments below.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The 10 Business Commandments

While I was reading an old business magazines, I came across an article about the 10 Business Commandments that I want to share with you here:

  1. Be a business enthusiast
If you’re going to make a living out of something, then you’d better immerse yourself in it. Keep reading newspapers, magazines and websites that will keep you informed. Brush up on business basics. Whatever you do, don’t stop learning.

  1. Have  a life
Make sure you don’t work too hard. Leading a full life keeps you from experiencing burnout and allows you to regain your strength and work even better.

  1. Take aim
Some companies try to be too many things to too many people in the game. Sure, youre aiming to cut across all markets. But by doing so, you won’t be able to excel in any of those markets and might just lose out in the end. Instead, define your market. Gain your foothold in a single field, develop a loyal following, and then expand your services.

  1. Have a plan
Gut feelings are not something to be ignored. But even if you’re about to go against all odds, its always best to think things through. That way, when something doesn’t go your way or you have to defend your idea to others, you’ll be confident that you have all bases covered.

  1. Leave your comfort zone
Don’t ever stick with the same method just because it’s the one you always use. If someone approaches you with a compelling argument on why an existing method should be changed, go ahead and give it a chance. Just be sure that you make a wise decision. And remember, its always best to get a second or even third opinion.

  1. Have a regular check-ups
It’s so easy to get caught up in work that one day you might just wake up and realize that you haven’t really accomplished anything. Avoid this scenario by having regular meetings with your staff. Review accomplishments, bring up any threats, get updates on the progress of others and evaluate how your business is progressing as a whole.

  1. Give credit where credit is due
While your associates and customers help fund your business, your employees are the people who keep it running. They’re a crucial part in your success, so make sure you let them know how much they’re appreciated.

  1. Build relationships with Customers and Others
Not just with customers. Expanding your social connections and interacting with different people is a great way to generate more contacts, ideas, opportunities, and referrals.

  1. Better to Work Smart
There’s a big difference between working hard and working smart. Working hard can keep you in office way past 6 p.m and leave too exhausted to do anything else. Working smart is using your time wisely and making sure that all your actions are steps towards your ultimate goal.

  1. Be passionate
Your customers can tell whether or not a business is genuine, so can your employees, investors, and partners. If you’re not enthusiastic about making your business succeed, then don’t expect anyone else to be.
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