Technology has transformed the world in which we live; especially in business,
but new technology always has detractors. Recently, electronic greeting cards
have come under attack from the Bishop of Hertford, the Rt Revd Paul Bayes. He
slammed e-cards for crushing the festive spirit and stealing vital income away
from charities that use greeting cards as a way to bring in funds during the
festive season.
fair trade retail group, Traidcraft, the Bishop of Hertford is now looking to
convince the public to begin buying traditional Christmas cards instead of
using digital ecards. In lots of ways he may be right about individuals sending
e-cards, but when it comes to corporate businesses the story is certainly
different. Corporate e-cards are now hugely popular and doing a lot of good in
the world in the following ways:
Saving trees
may be true that e-cards are taking a slight bit of the fun out of sending
cards to family and friends, but look at it from a business point of view. An
organisation has to send out thousands of festive greetings rather than just a
few, which has a huge effect on the amount of paper used. This means that every
year hundreds of thousands of trees are cut down around the world to support
corporate festive greeting cards. This is destroying the natural rain forest
and habitats of exotic animals that are being forced to the edge of extinction
by our paper usage. So sending an e-card makes sense when the environment is
your top consideration.
Cutting carbon

something back to the environment
bonus of buying your corporate e-cards
at eco2greetings is that instead of just saving trees being pulled down
and reducing your carbon footprint, they will even plant trees on your behalf.
For every order of e-cards you place the team will plant ten trees across the
world in the neediest areas. They will even promote this within your e-card to
show your customers just how much you car about the environment.
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